Biochar for soil remediation
Researchers are testing biochar’s ability to improve the quality of urban soils while mitigating climate change. Why is it needed? In Swedish cities, there are previous industrial sites in locations attractive for new construction. Soils in these areas are often

Biochar in Kenya
Biochar produced in cookstoves can contribute to negative carbon emissions through sequestration of biomass carbon, while also providing clean renewable energy and increasing yields in tropical agriculture.

System analysis of biochar production and use in Sweden
In this Vinnova-funded project (2017-2021), we model the life cycle climate and environmental impacts of new biochar applications in Sweden. We develop a methodological framework to assess the system effects of biochar production and use, and apply it to three
Biochar map
We participate in the Nordic Biochar Network and develop a map of biochar projects in the Nordics.
What is biochar stability?
** This page is coming soon ** Dela
Read moreHow do farmers use biochar?
** This page is coming soon ** Dela
Read moreWhat's in it for municipalities?
** This page is coming soon ** Dela
Read moreAnother question? Ask us!
You have a question regarding biochar in general, drop us a line at eazzi@kth.se Dela
Read moreMaster and bachelor theses
Write your thesis with us! Every year we supervise several students from all fields: chemical engineering, industrial economics, environmental engineering, design...
Recent Theses
In 2020, students have been working on biochar carbon sequestration potential in Sweden, but also identifying arable land in Sweden with potential highest-benefit from biochar. In 2019, students have been working on biochar stability, business models around biochar and identification of low-value biomass streams in Sweden.